Ini Akibatnya Bagi Pengguna Jalan Yang Melawan Arus Lalu Menabrak: Tilang Dan Tak Diganti

Lihat sendiri nih, deh. Kalo kamu masih nekat lawan arus dan nggak nurut aturan lalu lintas, bisa berakhir kayak mereka yang kecelakaan di Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan itu. Mereka nabrak truk gara-gara lawan arus dan sekarang malah kena tilang. Polisi juga udah tegas bilang mereka nggak akan dapat ganti rugi dari Jasa Raharja. Makanya, patuhilah aturan lalu lintas kalo nggak mau berakhir mengenaskan kayak mereka. Kamu pasti nggak mau kan, ditilang terus nggak diganti rugi? Ya udah, turuti aja aturannya biar aman.

Takdir Pengendara Berlawanan Arus Dan Menabrak Truk: Ditilang Dan Tak Dapat Ganti Rugi

The accident

The accident in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta was a result of motorists violating traffic rules by going against the flow of traffic. They ended up crashing into a truck coming from the opposite direction. Police expressed regret over the incident but said the motorists would receive traffic tickets and no compensation from Jasa Raharja.

No compensation

The Chief of Traffic Corps, Firman Shantyabudi, and the President Director of Jasa Raharja, Rivan A Purwantono, said poor compliance with traffic laws was still a leading cause of accidents. Since the motorists were going against traffic, they would not receive any compensation for damages or injuries from the accident.

A lesson for all

This accident should serve as a lesson to all road users to follow the rules of the road. Going against traffic is extremely dangerous and illegal. It puts yourself and others at serious risk of harm. Always travel in the proper direction, obey traffic signs and signals, and be cautious of oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.

Promoting road safety

To reduce accidents like this in the future, the police and relevant agencies must continue promoting awareness of road safety. They need to strictly enforce traffic laws, especially against dangerous violations like going against the flow of traffic. Road users also have a responsibility to educate themselves on safe driving practices and obey the rules for the safety of all. Working together, we can create a culture of responsible driving in Indonesia.

Kecelakaan Di Lenteng Agung Akibat Melawan Arus Lalu Lintas

Kecelakaan yang terjadi di Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan ini merupakan bukti nyata bahaya melawan arus. Beberapa pengendara sepeda motor melanggar arus lalu lintas dan menabrak truk, mengakibatkan kecelakaan.

Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas Penyebab Kecelakaan

Kepala Korps Lalu Lintas (Kakorlantas) Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) Firman Shantyabudi dan Direktur Utama (Dirut) Jasa Raharja Rivan A Purwantono mengatakan bahwa dalam kecelakaan ini, ketaatan lalu lintas yang buruk masih menjadi penyebab risiko kecelakaan. Mereka menyesalkan insiden ini dan mengatakan bahwa para pengendara sepeda motor akan dikenai denda dan bahkan tidak akan menerima ganti rugi dari Jasa Raharja.

Hukuman Bagi Pelanggar

Pelanggaran lalu lintas yang dilakukan para pengendara sepeda motor ini berujung pada kecelakaan yang menimpa diri mereka sendiri. Mereka harus menerima konsekuensi atas tindakan melawan arus dan melanggar peraturan lalu lintas yang berlaku. Hukuman berupa denda menjadi pelajaran agar mereka dan pengendara lainnya mematuhi tata tertib berlalu lintas. Kejadian ini diharapkan menjadi peringatan bagi masyarakat untuk selalu waspada dan berhati-hati saat berkendara.

Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan lalu lintas merupakan kunci utama dalam menekan angka kecelakaan. Semoga kejadian ini dapat mengingatkan kita semua untuk lebih disiplin dan bertanggung jawab saat berlalu lintas.

Polisi Dan Jasa Raharja Menyesalkan Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas Penyebab Kecelakaan

Polisi dan Jasa Raharja sangat menyesalkan pelanggaran lalu lintas yang menyebabkan kecelakaan. Mereka mengatakan bahwa pengguna jalan yang melawan arus dan kemudian ‘menabrak’ truk di kawasan Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan tersebut akan dikenakan denda dan bahkan tidak akan mendapatkan kompensasi dari Jasa Raharja.

Kepala Korps Lalu Lintas (Kakorlantas) Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) Firman Shantyabudi dan Direktur Utama Jasa Raharja Rivan A Purwantono mengatakan bahwa dalam kecelakaan tersebut, ketaatan lalu lintas yang buruk masih menjadi penyebab risiko kecelakaan.

Pelanggaran lalu lintas berbahaya

Melanggar aturan lalu lintas dapat berakibat fatal. Para pengguna jalan tersebut melawan arus dan kemudian menabrak truk besar, yang mengakibatkan kecelakaan serius. Tindakan semacam itu sangat berbahaya dan dapat mengancam nyawa.

Tanggung jawab pribadi

Setiap pengguna jalan bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan dan kepatuhan mereka sendiri terhadap aturan lalu lintas. Jika mereka melanggar aturan dan terlibat dalam kecelakaan, mereka harus menanggung konsekuensinya, termasuk denda dan biaya perbaikan kendaraan. Mereka tidak berhak mendapatkan kompensasi apapun.

Peringatan bagi pengguna jalan lainnya

Insiden ini diharapkan dapat menjadi peringatan bagi pengguna jalan lainnya untuk selalu mematuhi aturan lalu lintas demi keselamatan mereka sendiri dan orang lain. Ketaatan terhadap rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan batas kecepatan dapat mencegah kecelakaan dan menyelamatkan nyawa. Para pengguna jalan diharapkan belajar dari kesalahan orang lain dan selalu berhati-hati di jalan.

Risiko Kecelakaan Akibat Lalu Lintas Yang Buruk Masih Tinggi

Traffic Violations Still Common

The high risk of accidents due to poor traffic compliance shows that traffic violations are still common. Many road users still ignore traffic signs and signals, as well as not following the rules regarding the direction of traffic flow. This kind of behavior certainly endangers safety and often causes accidents that result in loss of life.

Non-Compliance with Regulations

The police regretted the incident and stated that the motorists would be ticketed and would not even receive compensation from Jasa Raharja. This shows that non-compliance with traffic regulations and not following the flow of traffic will be penalized. Road users must obey all traffic rules to avoid unwanted things.

Need Strict Enforcement

Strict law enforcement is needed to improve compliance colok12 with traffic regulations. The Traffic Corps must intensify supervision and issue tickets to road users who violate, especially those who travel against traffic. In addition, socialization and education about traffic safety for the public also needs to be improved.

Appeal to Road Users

Road users, especially motorists, are expected to be more disciplined in obeying traffic rules. Always follow the direction of traffic flow to avoid accidents. Do not be in a hurry and be patient if you get caught in traffic congestion. Safety and compliance with regulations must be a top priority. The lives of yourself and others depend on your compliance with every rule on the road.

The high number of traffic accidents shows that awareness of traffic safety is still lacking. Continuous improvement through strict law enforcement, public education and appeals is needed so that people obey the rules and value safety. Compliance with regulations by all road users is the key to reducing accidents in the future. Let’s work together to realize zero accident vision through discipline and compliance with every rule.

Ini Akibatnya Bagi Pengguna Jalan Yang Melawan Arus Lalu Tabrakan: Ditilang Dan Tak Diganti

Go against the flow, risking lives

Members of the public who violate traffic rules by going against the flow will face legal sanctions. This was proven in an accident involving a number of motorcyclists who drove against the flow and collided with a truck on Jalan Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. The police regretted the incident and stated that the riders would be fined and would not receive compensation from Jasa Raharja.

Safety ignored, no excuses

Head of Traffic Police Corps, Brigadier General Firman Shantyabudi, and President Director of Jasa Raharja, Rivan A. Purwantono, explained that ignoring traffic safety regulations continues to contribute to the risk of accidents. There are no excuses for going against the flow, as it endangers yourself and others. The rules of the road exist to protect all road users.

A costly lesson

For those who violate traffic laws and cause accidents, the penalties can be severe. In this case, the riders were not only fined but also did not receive insurance payouts to help cover costs from Jasa Raharja for damage to their vehicles or personal injury. Their decision to go against the flow and ignore safety ended up costing them dearly in more ways than one.

Follow the rules, prevent tragedy

All road users are urged to obey traffic regulations to avoid dangerous situations and prevent tragic accidents. Going with the flow of traffic and following road signs and signals can help ensure the safety of yourself and your fellow riders or drivers. No one wants their commute to end in injury or worse. By cooperating with the rules of the road, we can all get where we need to go unharmed. The next time you hit the road, remember – it’s always best to go with the flow.


Jadi ingatlah, patuhilah aturan lalu lintas demi keselamatan bersama. Jangan melawan arus atau ngebut di jalan raya. Kalau kamu melakukannya dan kecelakaan terjadi, kamu akan ditilang dan tidak akan diganti. Lebih baik menunggu dan sabar dalam kemacetan daripada nekat dan celaka. Hati-hati dan waspadalah di jalan raya. Ingat, keselamatan itu nomor satu!